On February.24 2017 we had a lecture on learning languages with the ISONO system in Berlin.
Some of the participants had travelled quite a long way to listen to Guido Bleihökel, a certified mental coach and the owner of Gateway to Language Learning, Dr. Monika Lubitz, speaking about learning a foreign language with the ISONO system.
You Can't Learn Anything under Stress
During the first part of the evening Guido Bleihökel told us about the various brain waves which govern our bodies from stress to sleep. These brain waves ranging from 0.2 to 38 Hz are grouped into a number of ranges that dominate our braines when we do certain activities: At 0.2 to 3 Hz (Delta waves) we are fast asleep and not dreaming. At 3 to 8 Hz (Theta waves) we are deeply relaxed, awake or sleeping and having dreams. During the day our brains are dominated by Beta waves ranging from 12 to 38 Hz. The higher the wave frequency the more we feel stressed and the less we are able to think clearly about what is happening at that moment.
There is a good reason for that: If we are attacked by a saber-toothed tiger we need to flee immediately to save our lives. Or we need to concentrate all our strength to fight him. In such a situation we definitely cannot learn anything. If we apply this knowledge to modern times, this means: The more stressed we feel during class or when trying to learn something, the less we have a chance to remember what we are supposed to learn. And what is more - this does not only apply to that specefic moment, e.g. at school! This stressfull experience is stored away in our memory. Whenever we get the impression that we are experiencing a similar situation, our brain creates the same stressful feeling. The best range for learning, however, is that of the Alpha waves (8 - 12 Hz). That is the brain range dominating our brains in the morning shortly after waking up or in the evenings just before we fall asleep.
Learning a Language when Alpha Waves Dominate Your Brain
Perhaps you have already heard about this technology called Alpha-Learning or Super-Learning which was developped already in the 1960s. It promised fast results in learning and even today there still are courses using this system.
Learning a foreign language with the ISONO-System works a little different. The user's brain is calmed down in order to be dominated by Alpha waves while he is still able to do other things. At the same time an audio in the language he or she is learning is being transported via ultasonic sound into his or her body. Repeating this process regularly over a certain period of time will help to store that information in his or her subconcious. By the way, that is also how things work when a small child is having a lot of fun in discovering and learning new things. Only after the age of 10, the time we spend with Alpha waves dominating our brains rapidly diminishes.
Even if we are quite relaxed during day activities such as studying, we still are dominated by Beta waves. After the age of 10 there is one more function of our brain that gets stronger and stronger: The Guard. He keeps checking whether the new information matches previously integrated knowledge. The less the new information goes with what we already know, the more difficult it is to understand and remember that. The ISONO device not only has the learner's brain be dominated by Alpha waves but also helps the new information to pass unnoticed by the Guard.
Learning a Foreign Language with ISONO
In the second part of the evening Dr. Monika Lubitz explained how the Language Courses at Gateway to Language Learning in Cooperation with ISONO are structured. The details can be found in the following article.